Improving Shoulder Mobility and Self-Care Following Prolonged Hospitalization

This 65-year-old woman, a long-term care resident of Laurels of Forest Glen, was hospitalized due to gastrointestinal bleeding resulting in anemia (lower than normal amount of healthy blood cells). During hospitalization her condition was further compromised by developing pneumonia and respiratory failure. This left her weak and unable to perform self-care (dressing, bathing, toileting).
She had chronic shoulder pain due to osteoarthritis, but it became severe during her hospital stay. Prior to hospitalization she was independent for bathing and toileting and required supervision for lower body dressing.

Occupational Therapy: (5x/week x 4 weeks prior to ACP and 4 weeks with ACP)

OmniSWD® Shortwave Diathermy System

  • Thermal diathermy to the right shoulder for pain and decreased movement

Additional Interventions

  • Therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activities, self-care management, neuro re-education

OmniSWD® Shortwave Diathermy System

This woman is happy with the results of her therapy. She enjoyed the treatment with OmniSWD® and sought it out daily.

“My shoulder feels so much better, and I can move it more. I don’t have to rely on someone to help me dress or use the bathroom anymore.”

“Once we added SWD to her shoulder we were able to get a lot more range of motion and allow her to reach behind her back to become independent with self-care again!”

Andreé Akst, PT, MPT, CEEAA, NASM-CES, Clinical Services Content Specialist
Manda Hobbs, MSPT, CWS, Clinical Program Consultant


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